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How Long Does a Kitchen Remodel Take?
Homeowners planning a kitchen remodel often wonder how much it will cost and how long it will take. Here, we look at 5 factors affecting your remodel timeline.
Behind the Scenes with Home Design Photo Shoots
8 Popular Kitchen Cabinet Trends For 2020
2020 has brought some stylish kitchen cabinet trends that are making a bold statement.
7 Key Reasons to Invest in a Bathroom Remodel
The bathroom often gets the least amount of attention from all household rooms. However, some statistics show that the average person spends at least 30 minutes per day there.
6 Ways to Renovate Safely During Covid-19
You can still renovate safely during Covid-19, it will just take a bit more patience, but here’s how you can do it.
9 Steps to a Successful Kitchen Remodel
Let’s take a look at 9 steps to make sure your kitchen remodel goes smoothly!