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We all know home remodeling can be stressful. Money. Inconvenience. Intrusion. Dust. Decisions. Just to name a few. Here are some of the key causes of home remodeling-related stress and how we help to prevent it.

wood kitchen floorCOMMUNICATION: Poor communication is perhaps one of the biggest factors that can cause home remodeling-related stress. As your remodeling contractor, we want to make sure you know what the remodeling process is going to be like. Whoever you would with should take the time to learn what you want and what you don’t want. You should be told what to expect at each step and what information will be needed from you. Needless to say, Sea Pointe’s puts an emphasis on clear communication not only between our staff and you, but also among our staff members and our specialty trade contractors.

PLANNING: Poor planning causes home remodeling projects to go off track and that can cause stress. A properly planned remodeling project eliminates much of the opportunity for problems to occur. If time allows, we aim to have all materials ordered prior to starting the job to avoid any delays. The fewer surprises the better. Sea Pointe’s goal is to avoid ALL surprises.

GUIDANCE: While some homeowners really enjoy the design and selection process, for others, it can be stressful. However, if you have worked with us, you already know that we are always willing to provide guidance in both design and construction. And, with the comfort of knowing you have a go-to for all your questions, you can eliminate stress and enjoy the creative process of your new remodel.
Design/Build Process: One way of running a remodeling project is to hire an architectural firm to design a project and then put the project out to contractors for bids. However, this involves extra steps, as well as involving additional companies. And worse, with this approach there is the chance that what was designed won’t be buildable within your budget. This added complexity and uncertainty can easily cause stress. This is why we work as a Design/Build firm. Design/build offers homeowners peace of mind, simplicity and the ease of working with one trusted company from concept to completion. As the general contractor will are responsible for solving any issues relating to the design or the construction. This helps us ensure that our client’s projects will be completed on time and within budget.

TRUST: During the construction phase of your project you can have people in your home for weeks, or even months. Trust is a critical component to this. If you don’t trust the people working in your home, it can be even more stressful than just the constant invasion. When working with Sea Pointe, you can rest assured knowing that our team is carefully selected and trained to work in occupied homes. Our reputation depends not only on providing you with a fantastic-looking, well built, trouble-free project but also on making sure your remodeling experience was comfortable and smooth.

If you would like to lessen your chance of getting stressed out by your next home remodeling effort, be sure and contact us about your project. Then just relax and enjoy.

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EASING THE STRESS OF HOME REMODELING was last modified: December 28th, 2019 by admin