On April 22, 1970 an event was created to demonstrate the support for environmental protection. That event was called Earth day. Every year since, it has been celebrated on that same day. In step with Earth day, many homeowners are making “Earth Day” everyday by becoming more environmentally conscious about their home. With recent speculation about environmental changes and dwindling natural resources, recycling and reusing materials for our planet’s sustainability has become common. Our culture has coined a phrase to represent these ideals– “Going Green.”

Now more than ever, we are seeing trends of individuals remodeling their homes in order to be more ecological and environmentally friendly. While revamping your entire home to make it ecofriendly will require drastic changes, you should not feel overwhelmed. The positive influences these changes will make on both your budget and the environment will be worth it in the end. What was at one time an idea of the future [transitioning to the use of green materials] is now a conversation of the present. The time to make these constructive changes is right now; these are a few basics when it comes to remodeling your home:
Use Energy Efficient Designs
If you live in an extremely hot area such as the desert, poor insulation will cause the interior of your home to absorb that heat. This often results in all day use of AC units at lower set temperatures, which can rapidly increase your DWP bill. The great news is there are designs and materials to keep your house air-tight. Green homes are often built air-tight with heavy insulation to help with the presented issue. With less outside air infiltrating the home, this structural design makes indoor climate much easier to control. Cooling down the home in the summer will not take as long in a well-insulated home and conversely, heat will not escape in the cooler seasons. If your home was built decades ago and has not yet been remodeled, it might be time to consider redoing the insulation. High insulation standards have evolved for newly built homes in order to be more energy efficient globally. If you consider the long term savings you will earn from lower cost electric bills, you may see that the benefits of this update to your home outweigh the temporary cost of the remodel.
Change the Lights
Reflect on the current lighting fixtures and appliances in your home. Do you use LED lights? LED lights have revolutionized lighting today in using a fraction of the energy demanded by regular incandescent bulbs. They turn on immediately to full brightness, illuminate a great color, and do not give off extreme amounts of heat. Additionally, LED lights require less maintenance because they last roughly thirty to fifty times longer than incandescent lights, and three times longer than florescent lights. In recent news, a Nobel Prize was just awarded to the three scientists who co-created the blue LED. Energy Star appliances are certified to meet strict guidelines about how much electricity they require to operate. Simply buying new bulbs and installing them in already built-in incandescent or fluorescent light fixtures might not work. This type of renovation may actually require construction, but it is worth the hassle. The latest energy saving light fixtures offer superior quality than previously existing lighting technologies which is why it is time to make the switch to LED bulbs throughout your home if you have not already.
Reduce Water Consumption
California is in the midst of a record-breaking drought making water consumption a high alert issue. A great way to help with water conservation in your home is to have low-flow faucets, showers, and plumbing. People are often concerned with the idea of low-flowing technologies because no one wants to stand in the shower feeling as though the water pressure is not enough to rinse out your shampoo. However, today’s versions are as good — if not better — than the old water hogs. The incorporation of air into this process helps make a low-flow shower feel just as strong as the one using much more water. The smallest changes to your home sinks can result in very impactful advancements of water consumption.
These suggestions, while simple, can be very impactful on the environment and your budget. Consider this to be the perfect time to refine your home insulation to make it air-tight. Make the switch from regular bulbs to LED lights. Most importantly, think about how much water is wasted in the home due to high pressure faucets. With our population the highest it has ever been, consumption of our resources continually increases. Our planet relies on these changes of energy efficiency and wiser consumption before the resources run out. What positive changes are you going to make to your home to make it more “Green” friendly? Sea Pointe Design & Remodel can help you go green; click here to learn more.